How can you help your colleagues?

Time and time again, as SBV employees we have demonstrated tremendous generosity towards our colleagues and our communities. We can continue to do so by helping one another to make a difference within the SBV community both during and after COVID-19.

This is a time to support those in distress or anyone who is struggling in whatever way we can. Some of us may wish to make a financial donation and others may have talents and skills that they can share to make their colleagues lives’ a little easier. 

Through our collective experience we may have a story or a skill to share, or even resources that can be of value to one of our colleagues. By touching one life, you can make a difference.

How SBV employees can donate to the SBV Employee Fund

If you would like to contribute to the SBV Employee Fund, or if you would like to donate towards a specific need that a colleague has identified, we have dedicated a bank account for these donations. The banking details are as follows:

Bank: Absa
Account Name: SBV Services (Pty) Limited
Account Number:      4 081 644 055
Branch Code:            632005
Reference: SBV COVID

All funds raised will go directly to employees in need.

  • If the donation is for a specific colleague or need, please contact the Communications Team and let them know where to allocate the money.
  • All donations made to colleagues will be kept confidential unless consent is given by the beneficiary to share any details in our internal news updates.
  • All donors will remain anonymous unless you give the communications team consent to publish your details in our internal news updates.

If you have any skills and talents that you could share with your colleagues to support them such as teaching, craft or artwork please also let us know.

How can you help your colleagues and people in your community?

Here are some ideas on what you can do

  • Pick up groceries – picking up essentials for your colleagues or your neighbors can help alleviate stress
  • Collecting essential medicine
  • Make masks
  • Help to take care of children provided that Covid-19 safety precautions are adhered to
  • Check on family, friends and neighbours especially those who are elderly, disabled, have health issues or are looking after children
  • Support local businesses, care centres and schools.
  • Support essential services workers or healthcare workers by helping them with picking up their groceries
  • Pick up the phone and call your colleagues, family, friends and neighbours. You never know who may be needing emotional support.
  • Write a postcard or a note to your neighbour just to let them know that you care and can help if they need anything
  • Don’t forget that animals have needs too. You may be able to help members of your community by walking their dogs or feeding their pets.

If you are dropping off items for others, you can leave these at the door as a safety precaution and if you are helping to care for children or other family members, remember to keep a 1,5-meter distance between yourself and others.

Be responsible and protect yourself and others by wearing your mask, maintaining a 1,5-meter distance between yourself and others, and regularly washing your hands.

Remember that any support that you can offer, big or small can help to alleviate someone else’s stress and can make a huge impact.

Additional COVID-19 information

How can you help your colleagues?

How SBV employees can get help

Medical Aid and Employee Wellness partners

Useful documents and numbers

SBV COVID-19 Process and Protocols 

COVID-19 Landing Page

Need to know more?