SBV Services applauds Police Minister Bheki Cele and the South African Police Service for making headway in the ongoing battle against cash-in-transit crime. Their perseverance over this long and tiring struggle has resulted in a 36% drop in CIT crimes compared to the same period last year.
The SAPS and private security firms face a number of challenges with the changing nature of these crimes. Over the past year, we have seen an increase in gunpower, escalated levels of violence and tightly coordinated attacks. We are pleased to see that the SAPS continues to prioritise these crimes, working at keeping vulnerable victims and innocent bystanders safe.
As always, SBV Services is committed to supporting the SAPS and all stakeholders, including other private cash services companies, to help make the transport of money safer.
SBV has a zero tolerance for the loss of life and injury to persons who are involved in CIT attacks. Mark Barrett Group CEO of SBV Services would also like to commend the SBV Risk and Compliance team for their commitment to the safety of employees, customers and communities by ensuring that justice prevails. Mark further warns anyone with unlawful intentions that irrespective of the time frame, SBV’s highly skilled and experienced team will stop at nothing to apprehend and bring to book criminals that threaten human lives and the business. “We work tirelessly with the South African Police Service to apprehend the criminals involved in these attacks. No case is every closed until the criminals involved are brought to book.” Mark also expresses his gratitude to SBV’s shareholding banks and the SBV Board of Directors for the financial assistance and support that they provide to protect SBV’s business and the cash services sector at large. He also thanks SABRIC, the Hawks, the SARB and the other CIT companies for their collaborative efforts in combatting CIT crime.
Members of the public who have any information regarding a potential attack or an attack that has already taken place can contact SBV’s Early Warning Robbery hotline 24/7 at 083 408 7029. We urge the public to take action and help SBV in our plight to #MakeMoneySafe.