June 15, 2020

At SBV Services we are committed to the safety and well being of all our employees. We have worked hard during this time to ensure that, as an essential service, we are able to continue our work safely.

We take the threat of COVID-19 very seriously and have worked closely with all our stakeholders, employees and recognised unions during this time. Through our engagement with the National Institute of Communicable Diseases (NICD), comprehensive processes and procedures have been implemented to ensure that we comply with Government Regulations regarding COVID-19 precautionary measures in the workplace as well as the processes that need to be followed when we have positive cases.

We have implemented the following:

  • A dedicated team responsible for reporting and tracking COVID-19 suspected and positive cases.
  • Employees awaiting test results are required to stay home under quarantine, until test results are received.
  • The site is deep cleaned by an accredited service provider.

 The following key precautionary measures, which are reviewed and updated regularly in accordance with Government advice and regulation, were adopted:

  • Dedicated COVID-19 teams, supported by the executive leadership, that manage and respond to COVID-19 related issues
  • Site and people health and safety risk assessments
  • Continuous employee communication and awareness programs
  • Transparent and timely communication with the external stakeholders including SARB, banks and regulatory bodies
  • Increased and regular cleaning activities, including deep cleaning when required
  • Social distancing protocols
  • Provision of hand sanitizers and personal protection equipment (PPE)
  • Wash basins installed at the entrances (interlock) of all our centres
  • Shoe sole sanitizers installed at all site entry points
  • Training and awareness which included training provided by Bankmed nurses before lockdown
  • Employees working remotely where practical
  • Increased site and vehicle cleaning and deep cleaning
  • Updated searching procedures that comply with COVID-19 requirements
  • Site access restricted to a needs-only and on essential basis
  • Temperature screening of employees, contractors and visitors entering our sites
  • Pre-screening questionnaire for visitors
  • Defined processes for the management of suspected and/or confirmed employee COVID-19 cases in line with government guidelines.
  • Stringent travel restrictions
  • Identification of employees with pre-existing conditions that may be more vulnerable. Policy to manage the safety and health of identified vulnerable employees.
  • All face-to-face meetings suspended
  • Change in operating hours
  • Management of suspected and/or confirmed employee COVID-19 cases in line with government guidelines
  • Engagement with Bankmed and ICAS to provide relevant information to vulnerable employees and infected employees

“We have proactively screened, tested and quarantined our employees where necessary. We have worked closely with all our employees to ensure that these measures are both understood and followed, that masks and sanitizers are used and that processes are adapted to mitigate risk. As an essential service provider, SBV stands in solidarity with all South African Citizens and are committed to doing everything possible to prevent the spread of COVID-19. My sincere gratitude and thanks to all our employees, stakeholders and recognised unions who have worked together during this time.” Mark Barrett, Group CEO, SBV Services.

COVID-19 Health & Safety Policy

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